Feminine Healing Ministries

Where devotional women come to restore their relationship with God on their own terms

FREE CLASS: Heal & ReCLAIM your relationship with God

Welcome to FHM

Feminine Healing Ministries is devoted to serving women in healing their relationship with God through their own internal gnosis. As a community of devotional women, we aim to be a trustable sisterhood with deep bonds ~ women rooted in faith who stand for each other, the planet, and our greater humanity.

What Is Gnostic Ministry?

Gnosis simply means one’s internal knowing. We believe in arriving to Truth based on one’s personal intimate relationship with God that involves direct experience based practices. A relationship that evolves synchronistically and syncretically (involving connections and threads across many belief systems.)

What good are myths, books, spiritual traditions and rituals if they remain theoretical concepts disconnected from impacting our daily existence?

Our ministry is focused on empowering each woman to develop a unique bond with God and Nature, allowing for direct communication and genuine intimacy with the Divine. Everything we teach is directed toward developing YOUR personal connection and rooted in real transformation of everyday life.

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What Does Feminine Healing Ministries Believe In?

✙ We stand for the “gnostic” path which means everything we teach is aimed at helping women build a personal connection with God on their OWN terms. Gnosis = one’s internal knowing.

✙ We firmly believe that reclaiming both the Mother AND Father faces of God are equally important for spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and planetary wellbeing.

✙ We believe in sisterhood that centers around authenticity, genuine support, celebrating women, inclusion, and faith in God.

✙ We stand for living our “prayers on the ground”, meaning our relationship with God gets to pour over into how we make a real difference in the world.

✙ We stand FOR HUMANITY: *against* genocide, anything that is anti-humanity, destructive to our planet, and all forms of intolerant dogmatic fundamentalism

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How Do We Help Women Heal?

We take women deeper on their devotional path of LOVE. We do this through helping her get closer to God and initiate herself through that relationship. We place our focus on healing from the pain of past religious or spiritual experience, and establish a new unshakable faith build on authentic Love through the following four pillars:

Divine Deconstruction

Understanding how our spiritual and religious history is impacting us and how we can begin to heal and redefine

Devotional Arts & Prayer

Developing a personal relationship with God through prayer, connection to nature and the feminine devotional path

Reclaimation of the Divine Mother and Divine Father

Restoring and healing our relationship to both faces of God, historical study, introduction to mythos and mysteries, syncretic sciences and building a life of deep faith, security and freedom

Discovering Our Personal Ministry

Discovering how God can inspire our lives and move us to serve in our unique way

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Free Online Community

Monthly services and a library of free resources to get started with Prayer and deepen on your devotional path

Women's Ordination and Initiate Program

The path for serious women looking to immerse themselves in healing with God, deepening their devotional walk, and embodying the sacred honor and title of Ordained Minister/Priestess/Prophetess

Testimonials of the transformative power of prayer

from the women of FHM





About Rev. Adeenah Hammer

Mama to the best little boy ever, teacher of prayer & devotional feminine arts, and founder of Feminine Healing Ministries est. 2022.

The most honest experiences of my life have been in the countless knees on floor moments in heartbreak, awe, and absolute surrendered reverence to our creator.

Love, beauty and devotion are the way~ and my desire is to share the practices and pathways that have brought me back to Love over and over again. I know nothing, but am a student in devotion. And what I feel I have to contribute to the world of Feminine Healing is by showing women just how much the quality of a woman's life transforms in the most surreal and miraculous ways when she rests her heart in our Creator every day. I believe Feminine Healing, embodiment and polarity has more to do with the safety a woman feels spiritually in her heart more than anything else, as that security offers her freedom and the capacity to stop self abandoning. Intimacy with God is the way through every broken heart and chaotic situation.

I obviously love to teach and mentor, but my favorite thing is spending time in nature with the ones I love, especially my little guy.

My generational spiritual lineage is native Pagan European mutt, and in post-colonial times, modern day Christianity though neither was much present in my childhood. My choice of personal study began with an awakening at 16 reading transcendentalist writings of Emerson & Thoreau. I dropped out of high school to be a student of the Earth and soon found myself in India for yoga and meditative study, which opened a decade of diving in as deeply as I possibly could behind every door I could open. Today if I had to give it a label, today I would consider myself to be a gnostic or shamanic christian (many say the gnostics would have nothing to do with Christianity, but a blend of both is where I stand).

I have SO many teachers to thank for contributing to my evolution. It feels dishonoring to only mention a few, but I want to give a quick honor to: All my teachers in India, Patty Young Bear for opening me up to the shamanic world that changed the course of my life, Billy Smith for being there when you didn't have to and for being the one to catalyze my relationship with God and Prayer, Nathaniel Solace for being the one there holding my process and my business while I discovered my true medicine, Zahara Zimring for literally EVERYTHING, Rafael Sontaya for how you've majorly contributed to helping me actually heal my feminine heart... you all have been a deeply personal contribution to my evolution in ways you probably don't even know. To the hundreds of women that have stretched and inspired me, I have TRULY the MOST INCREDIBLE sisters by my side, especially thank you to Delaney Dwight and Chelsea Didier in these last years for being angels in every way through the deepest heartbreaks and valleys and for actually celebrating me to the MAX when I'm on top. Chels, you were the one to make me say yes to the ministry again when I wasn't able to hear it from God directly. To Dr. Joe Dispenza for I think changing everyone's life, your work helped me prepare me for my son, and John Lamb Lash for awakening one the deepest remembrances in me of all time and for your profound contribution to the recovery of Gnosticism.

Thank you Beloved Mother, Sophia for deeply awakening me to you the last two years and to the Holy Father that has loved me always. To the plant allies that helped me through postpartum, THANK YOU. And last but not least my MOM, I absolutely adore you and I could not imagine a life without you. Moms are the real backbone. Thank you for everything, everyday, forever.

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Our Prosperity Promise


Our promise to you is that every dollar generously donated to Feminine Healing Ministries is prayed over, as well as the donor, and RE-sourced mindfully. We do our best although not always perfect, to spend our money on people, businesses, and organizations that support human and planetary wellbeing to the best of our ability.

✙ Every time you give to Feminine Healing Ministries to participate in any of our programs or offerings, it is considered a donation to Feminine Healing Ministries Trust. You may request documentation to use your donation as a tax write off. There are no circumstances in which we are required lawfully to return a donation to a donor. In this circumstance we will handle the concern on a case by case basis. You may email femininehealingministries@gmail.com regarding any financial inquiries.

✙ We use the money donated via your participation in our ordination program and other official events to generously resource: our Trustees involved with making the ministry run, and soon to be team of pastors and other ministry support, as well as our backend team and mentors. Our ministry will be clear about what donations are intended for mission work and service based purposes when those times arise.

✙ We want to see a PROSPEROUS world for ALL human beings. Sadly, this is not the case for our world right now. Change begins with us and our commitment is to continuously hold an expansive financial vision for what's possible in FHM and the ways we can be of contribution to the world around us.

✙ We want to succeed financially and we want YOU to succeed financially. Please reach out if you have any questions or are in need.

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Site Photography by Sarah Poe