Feminine Healing Ministries'

Ordination and Initiate Program 2024

Watch this video to learn more about the Ordination Program and how to take your next steps in faith & devotion as an Ordained Minister & Priestess.


A deeper peek into the curriculum:

Divine Deconstruction

• Self Initiation and the basics of the feminine devotional path

• Cult Propaganda in religion and spirituality

• Therapeutic Healing for Religious and Spiritual Trauma and Abuse

• Understanding how our spiritual and religious history is impacting us

• Discovering our family's spiritual lineage pre and post it's native roots

• Healing from cult ideology

• How is our current relationship with God informing the women we are, how we lead and how we Love?

• Understanding the path of "Ministry"

Prayer, Devotional Arts & Gnostic Practice

• Developing a personal relationship with God through prayer, connection to nature and the feminine devotional path

• Establishing our foundation in Gnosis

• The Art of Prayer

• The Art of Prophesying, Prognosticating, and Declaration

• The Art of Worship

• Deepening on the Devotional Path of death and rebirth: as studied from the observation of NATURE

• Mastery in our channel as priestesses and devotees

• How to have daily encounters with God's presence

Reclaiming The Mother And The Father Faces Of God

• Restoration of our personal relationship of the Holy Mother through nature (the REALity of life)

• Restoration of our personal relationship of the Holy Father (his love, provision and protection)

• Understanding the importance and power of Myths

• Introduction to Gnostic Sophianic and Shamanic Christian Myths: "Sun" Logos and Comparative Mysteries

• Gnostic practice with nature

• Inner Alchemy and Sciences of Consciousness

• Master Teacher Plant Allies and how to incorporate them into our practice

• Historical study of patterns in patriarchy, religion and colonization and it's impact on our relationship with God and native roots

• how we can restore our relationship to our planetary source of life

• Establishing lasting deep bonds with both faces of God

Birthing Our "Personal Ministry"

• Discovering our sacred work

• Prayers in REALITY

• Grounded approaches to ministry

• Integrity as spiritual leaders

• Creating cultures of women that help everyone HEAL: are inclusive, safe, and potent

• Becoming a conduit for miracles

• Ordination and preparing for our role as Ordained Priestess and how to carry the title of minister responsibly and integrously


• Over 50 hours total of training (3 sessions / month)

• 32 hours of live mentorship, discussion and support with the group (60 min weekly call)

• "Encounter" prayer sessions (30 min weekly call)

• Group App / Community for connection and support

A Certificate of Ordination in WOMEN'S MINISTRY from Feminine Healing Ministries upon completion of the 8 month program

An invitation to any future mission trips organized by FHM. Expect to see our first trip for the end of 2024 or beginning of 2025.


Watch all training that is recorded for you on your own time, and do your best to make at least some of the live calls. I understand schedules are busy and we have designed this to offer the maximum support possible yet in a way that allows you to fit it into your life. We have a rotating schedule to meet everyone's needs. At a minimum, complete all recording trainings and submit final essay to FHM for Ordination Approval.


Apply below and then book a free call with our team to explore if this is the best fit for your next steps!

Please email us if we can support you in any way.

I take my/our role in your life seriously. I am so expectant for miracles and monumental positive change for the world in the work that we're all going to get to do here together. Thank you for walking the path of Devotion and Love with me.

In fierce grace,

Rev. Adeenah Hammer